I have had the enormous/gigantic/overwhelming/bad-ass privilege of being a part of Bert's Big Adventure for the 2013 year. My duties actually started in 2012, but that is besides the point. The 2013 trip was unbelievable. I cannot imagine a finer group of people to work with, families to meet, and kids to spend time with. Seriously, I could go on and on about everyone, but I wouldn't be satisfied in how I explained the trip...and so I would continue to go on and on and on and it wouldn't do the trip justice.
I've decided that I want to do spotlights on the kids that were a part of the 2013 trip, and that are now a part of the BBA family forever. Being a photographer on the trip, we were assigned to two families a day to make sure that these families not only had a great time at Disney, but that they also had complete documentation of their experience. I was able to work with 4 remarkable kids/families. The first that I want to introduce you to is Ziyonn.
You can read about Ziyonn had his story here. I was able to spend the day with Ziyonn and his family on our second day at Disney. Jeff Dauler, a co-host on the Bert Show, also spent time with the family and we had a hard time keeping up with Ziyonn. I'm not sure who designed his wheelchair, but it was probably the Doc from Back to the Future. Seriously. This kid is fast.
Are you interested in learning more about Bert's Big Adventure?? Check them out here: http://www.bertsbigadventure.org/